Monday, October 11, 2010

A Makeover Story

This lovely chair used to belong to my mother.  At one time this chair was very nice to look at.  For the last few years my garage has become this chair's home.  I knew she deserved a better life, but I couldn't afford to have her professionally reupholstered.  So with the help of all my D-I-Y blogging friends and the numerous tutorials on furniture reupholstering...I was inspired!  She still needs some perfecting, but for the most part I'm satisfied!!!!

I am linking to Furniture Feature Fridays


  1. Great job. I have a chair that is just taking up space in the garage. You reminded me I have to start working on it.

  2. Wow! You've done afantastic job.

    I wish, wish, wish I knew how to reupholster.

    The problem is that I don't know how to practice apart from on oneof my pieces of furniture and I don't want to mess them up!!


  3. Wow...It looks great. I'm about to attempt an upholstery project or two and it's inspiring to see it work out so well for someone else.
    April @

  4. Looks nice! Can you share some of the tutorial links w/ us?

  5. Oh wow I have a chair that looks exactly like this sitting in my corner. Two to be exact. Maybe I should give them some attention.

    Thanks for the lovely comments on the blog :)

  6. I love the chair remodeling project you do. I love antique chairs!


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