Earlier this week, I cleaned the kitchen up before going to bed, like I do every other night of the week. Wiped the counters down, swept the floor, ran the dishwasher, went to bed. No Biggie!! Except this time was different, I woke up the next morning to a huge mess! Apparently the garbage disposal was clogged and the water from the dishwasher drained into the sink, causing the sink to overflow. The water in the sink spilled all over place, saturating the floors, the base cabinets and all the stuff inside the cabinets. Oh the drama that took place thereafter, I should have won an Oscar for my performance! I don't cope well with stress and my kitchen mess just took me over the top! We don't own a shop-vac so we got most of the water up with our carpet cleaner. Worked better than expected, but things are still wet and some mold has set in. Boo-hoo!
At this point our insurance company has been called and together we're moving forward to get this mess resolved. The floors are coming up and the base cabinets will be replaced.
But for now, my kitchen is a wreck and my nerves are bad! In the end I know everything will be put back together and I will love my new floors. Until then, I just need to get over myself and enjoy not cooking for the rest of the week!
So my friends, I'll see ya in a week or so while we're under construction!