Monday, September 12, 2011

Awe, Thanks Guys, You shouldn't Have!

  A warm thanks to Vicki, Amber, Tiffany and for awarding me the Versatile Blogger Award.  I appreciate it very much and enjoy visiting your blogs!  I welcome the opportunity to pass this award onto other versatile blogs.

In order to accept this award here are the rules:
1. Thank the person who nominated you.
2. Share 7 things about yourself.
3. Nominate 15 blogs you have recently enjoyed.

  I would also like to thank Erin for awarding me the The Sunshine AwardThe Sunshine Award is awarded to bloggers whose positivity and creativity inspires others in the blog world.  Erin is both positive and creative.

Here are the rules:
• Put the Logo on your sidebar, or within a post.
• Pass the award onto 12 Bloggers.
• Link the nominees within your post.
• Let the nominees know they have received this award by commenting on their blog.
• Share the love and link to the person from whom you received this award.

*To avoid this post from becoming too long I decided to combine both awards into one. 

7 things about me:
1. I have a secret crush on Billy the Exterminator.  I may or may not bribe my son to dress up as Billy on Halloween!  Please don't judge me!  : )


2. Lately whenever I ask my kids to do something they quickly chant, "1-2-3 not it"!

3. In my junior year of high school I was dubbed the name "bone crusher" after I accidentally tripped a kid in gym while playing soccer resulting in a broken arm.  He needed plates and screws in his arm to allow for better healing.  He was such a good sport about it, but it made me feel like crap.  PS. The accident happened two weeks after I transferred to the school.  Worst. day. of. my. life!

4. I am easily scared.  My husband and my kids find this amusing and never pass up a chance to prank me!

5. I talk in my sleep.  My last conversation was about Lionel Richie and the Commodores!

6. Whenever I ask my kids if their rooms are clean, they in turn ask, "who's coming over"?!

7. My maternal and paternal grandmothers were twins.  My father-in-law is also a twin.  I hoped my first pregnancy would result in twins.  No such luck!  Now that my daughter is a teenager and I deal with her teenage attitude, I quickly realize how lucky I truly am!  (wink, wink!)

Pay it Forward to great 12 blogs you have recently enjoyed.
Mark@ Our Simple Lives- You must go visit his blog.  Some of his posts will make you cry, so have a box of Kleenex nearby.  I adore Mark!  I wish we could be neighbors.
Optimistic Mom@ Life is Hard, Laugh Anyway-  Reading her blog feels like good ole fashioned girl talk.  

Jami@ Hello from the Nato's- Jami is awesome 'nuff said.

Tatum@ Many Moments Of Me- Tatum is hilarious!  I enjoy her writing style.  I think she should write books.  Just sayin, Tatum!

Jihane@ Sinful Sundays- Jihane enjoys cooking as much as do.  I think we'd make great friends!

Kahli & Milla@ Design Par Deux- Identical twins, passionate about design and site full of jaw-dropping makeovers.

Jen@ I believe in Love- I'm so glad she found my blog, then in turn I discovered hers.  She inspires me to be a better person.

Diaries of a Grumpy Grateful Mom- "The Chaos and Confidence of Motherhood" She never fails to make me laugh!

Julia@ Dr. Princess- If you're in the Atlanta area you should follow her blog.  She knows all the really cool places to eat, in and around the city.

Teresa@ Meadowbrook Farm- Her pictures are amazing.  She has such a beautiful farm.

Latoya@ The Scott's Crib- You must check out her pantry makeover.

and last, but certainly not least, Candace@ Mi Chiamo Candace- Through blogging, I have met some very talented, helpful and motivational bloggers.  Candace is one of them. A dear blogging buddy!

Thank you ladies for honoring me with both awards.  I love that you guys thought of me!


  1. Thanks so much Brandi:) You're awesome!

  2. Thanks so much and Congrats to you!!!

  3. Congratulations on your awards! Very funny post. You made me smile:)

  4. I enjoyed this post, you made me laugh hun...congrats on your award, you deserve it!! Have a sweet week. FABBY

  5. Aww, that's the sweetest thing ever!! Thanks, Brandi! :) Congrats to you and I liked those 7 facts!

  6. Congratulations on your awards and thank you!!! Fun facts! "I loved the "Who's coming over?" comment from your kids. About the only time my house is clean is when we have company. And even then, I'm getting lazy. :)

  7. I think I like Billy's brother Ricky over him. Billy talks too much. I can't handle that. And yes, since my 11 year old watching that show, sadly, so do I.
    Thank you so much for thinking of me. I have the Versatile Blogger Award but I would love to have the Sunshine Award as well. Would it be possible just to acknowledge you and accept it from you on my blog without passing it on? I mean, I love so many blogs that I wouldn't know where to start.
    Thanks again for thinking of me. It really made my day.

  8. Congrats!! That is too hilarious about Billy! My hubby and I DVR that show and I spend the whole show watching in the wonder that is Billy's insane hair! I LOVE to watch the clients too, to see how they react to Billy's hair!

  9. Congratulations, Brandi! You deserve it. So nice to learn more about you and the blogs you follow. Have a great week!

  10. Thanks, Brandi! Not only for nominating me but for your kind words. You made my day! #1 is totally cracking me up! I've only watched Billy a few times. And I can so relate to #6. My kids think the only appropriate time to clean their rooms is when someone is coming and they're even iffy on that!

  11. Brandi, I'm looking forward to checking out your 15.

  12. OMG! You crack me up!! First it was your secret crush and then your dream about Lionel Richie and the Commodores! This just made my morning!

  13. Thanks so much! And congrats to you!!!

  14. Congrats Brandy! Well deserved honey! You make me crack up!...a dream with Lionel Ritchy and the Commodores, LOL!...I used to love them too, both!! Your crash is really the owrse! hahahhiiihhiii Thanks for your visit and the lovely comment you left me. Lots of hugs. Don't let anyone scare you now!! FABBY

  15. Congratulations Brandi!! I love that you were dreaming about Lionel :-) Hugs P.S>I'm having my very first blog hop today Please stop by and link up your lovely blog.

  16. Congrats Brandi... you deserve it...
    Please come and have a cup of tea with me …I baked a delicacies Cheese Strawberry Cake…

  17. LOL I love the who's coming over question.

  18. Hi Brandi! Loved getting to know you better and the tour of where you live, I know I'd love that farmers market!

  19. Brandi, you are the sweetest and I don't tell you nearly enough or maybe I haven't told you so I will tell you now...I love you! You not only inspire me with your posts but you bless me with your comments and friendship. You are much deserving of being honored with awards and I thank you so much for thinking of me. Thank you. I am so sorry that it has taken so long for me to get over here. I really enjoyed reading more about you and got a giggle this morning! Thank you for sharing these with us. It was fun getting to know more about you!

  20. Congratulations Brandi! I saw Lionel Richie and the Commodores in person...years ago. Yes, I'm that old :) Wow, that guy can sing! I'm sure it was an interesting conversation, even if you were just talking in your sleep :)

  21. Congratulações!!! Seu blog é de fato nota 1000. Beijinhos.


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