Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Applegate Natural and Organic Meats

*This post was made possible through a partnership with Applegate.  All opinions expressed are my own.

Happy New Year and welcome to a new decade! 2020 seems to bring more opportunities and experiences! I feel more confident to try new things and motivated to stick to goals. Because 2020 is so powerful, I wanted to bring in the new year with realistic resolutions. Instead of trying (and failing) to reach unrealistic expectations, I want to be kinder to myself and incorporate healthier meals into my diet.

No better time time than now to start with Applegate Natural and Organic Meats!  I've heard of the organic brand before, but never gave them a try until they sent me some of their products.

Applegate is the nation's leading natural and organic meat company that is focused on changing the meat we eat.

Applegate products are GMO and antibiotic-free, without artificial ingredients or chemical nitrites that come from humanely raised animals. Applegate’s portfolio includes a large range of products that are Whole30 approved, gluten free and sugar free.

Founded in 1987, Applegate produces high-quality natural and organic hot dogs, bacon, sausages, deli meats, cheese and frozen products. Their products are made without GMO ingredients, and are sourced from farms where animals are treated with care and respect and are allowed to grow at their natural rate, all part of their mission - Changing The Meat We Eat®.

High-quality can mean many things, but to Applegate this means their food is: 
• From animals raised humanely without antibiotics, hormones or growth promotants 
• From animals fed a vegetarian or pasture-centered diet (our beef is 100% grass-fed) 
• Free of added chemical nitrites, nitrates or phosphates 
• Free of artificial ingredients or preservatives

Turkey burgers constantly get a bad rap for being drier than beef, but it's all about the quality and preparation for the perfect burger.  What I love about Applegate's turkey burgers is that I don't sacrifice flavor by picking a healthier choice.  When I cooked them in the air fryer, they were juicy, perfectly seasoned and extremely satisfying!  They are a great alternative with less fat than a traditional beef burger.

Because I had too many to hoard for myself, I made a burger bar to share with the family.  Inspired by charcuterie boards you may have seen at holiday parties, I dressed up my board with typical toppings and finishes for the perfect Applegate meal.  Needless to say, it was a hit!

Nothing beats a juicy burger with the perfect fixings.  Applegate made the switch to healthier eats so much easier for the new decade. I'm excited to stock up the fridge and freezer with more of their goods. 

What are you most excited about in 2020?  Do you have any resolutions?

*Applegate turkey burgers are made with the following Turkey Raising Practices: (compared to practices outlined by National Turkey Federation) 
No antibiotics ever 
Applegate Humanely Raised 100% vegetarian diets, no animal by-products 
More space (up to 50% more) and better air quality 
Lighting system designed to reduce stress and promote natural growth Minimal beak conditioning and no toe alterations 
Environmental enrichments 

**Notable facts about Applegate turkey burger ingredients: No chemical nitrates or nitrites 
No artificial ingredients or preservatives 
No fillers 
No GMO ingredients.