Monday, November 7, 2011

Guest Post At Choose to Thrive

Hey friends! I'm guest posting over at Choose to Thrive today!  I would love it if you would stop by and visit!

Holiday THRIVE: Brandi from Don’t Disturb This Groove


  1. Yay heading over to see it...also did you see the little shot out I gave you in my guest post at House of Grace Friday?:)

  2. I loved it! You're so awesome Brandi!

  3. loved your post on nike's blog. when i saw those gumball tree things i just about died laughing. we lived in st. louis for four years and those things killed me! too little to rake up, too big to get with the mower. love your positive take on them. will have to come here more often.

  4. Aww Brandi, that is such a great post. I love the wreath. I'm so excited for you, a guest post is really special. The write up on your blog is so great, Okay now I'm getting verklempt lol.

  5. Brandi, I love the wreath! I'll never look at sweet gum balls the same again - I always thought of them as a nuisance. Now I'll see the possibilities.

    For some reason I couldn't leave a comment where you did the guest post, so I'm leaving it here to make sure you see.

    Thanks for the info on the felt leaves. :)

  6. Hey Brandi,

    Went over to thrive to check out your post! Love it. So creative!!

  7. Great wreath and guest post! Did you really have to go into the "ugly cry" LOL!! You're the best Brandi, I have to agree with Nike your recipes put a hurtin' on the waistline :( Your shrimp and grits recipe did a number on this body of mine but it was worth it!!

  8. All your projects are so beautiful my friend! I LOVE that wreath with the Sweet Gum fruit, I had no idea that that was what they were called. And yes your recipes are amazing!!!


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