Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Black Interior Door

Pinterest is a constant source of inspiration.  After months of looking through my pins, I finally decided to paint my front door black.

Before pictures of the front interior door.  Notice my lovely paper window shade!

After- I love the look of the door painted black.  I replaced the paper shade with decorative window film, purchased at Home Depot.

The boxwood wreath was a recent purchase from Lowe's.

My entryway is small, but I love the dramatic look of the interior door painted black. 

What are your thoughts?  Would you paint your doors black? 


  1. I actually really like the look of the door painted black. It gives the door an all around more expensive look. Good job!

  2. There you go, creating another outstanding post. I was wondering what you have been up too. The door and Photography!!!! are "Magazine Showcase Beautiful"!!! The wreath makes the black pop!

    I did paint our front door black. It's a solid wood door with windows up near the top. The dark stain had faded and I knew I did not want to take the door off to sand then re-stain. Like you, I did mull over color choices but settled on black. Like my grand mom said, "Every room needs a touch of black in it to anchor a room". She used to be in interior design. So I guess you can say; our houses are anchored before one first walks in.

    Hope your day is good, we may need an anchor to keep us from blowing away today.

  3. That looks Awesome...I would totally paint my door black!

    Love that wreath...so pretty, yet simple.

    Beautiful...would you like to come to KS and decorate my home???

  4. It looks great! I didn't know about black, but it does look very elegant! Nice job! lady

  5. Oh, Brandi, your door looks fantastic! A change from average to attractive. Great job. I love the boxwood wreath too. A few weeks ago I was in Target and saw one. I even snapped a pic. I am going to try making one from my bushes. I know it won't last forever but I will try anyway. I googled how to preserve them but it seems like a lot of work.

  6. ps... I painted our front door black a few years ago and love it

  7. I love it!!! This is something that I've been wanting to try! You always give me inspiration!

  8. The door turned out great!! I love when people paint the insides of their door a color! If we had a separate entry from our living room I could so see my self painting the inside of the door yellow :)

    I love the boxwood wreath too :)

  9. wow this looks so great! Love the style

  10. I have the same door in my kitchen and am actually thinking of painting it yellow or blue, not sure yet. I have a small blind over my door at the moment, but really like the idea of the decorative film. Thanks for sharing.

  11. We painted our front door black over 2 years ago and have never regretted doing it. I think it gives it a certain richness to the outside or inside of the house. Yours looks great and I'm sure you are enjoying it:)

  12. Looks really cool, Brandi. I love black doors....they are classics and very tailored. Like the perfect little black dress for women and black tux for guys :)

  13. LOVE IT!! Looks SO much better! Makes me wanna paint my front door;)

  14. Brandi, I love the look of black interior doors. They just make such a lovely statement; and your door looks wonderful!

  15. What's keeping the wreath on the window??

  16. Hello Brandi, Doesn't the black paint make a huge difference to your front door, it looks fabulous. I do like the box wreath you have hung. You must be thrilled with the end result. Best Wishes Daphne

  17. Beautiful!! It totally just seems to add punch and value to the area. Seriously looks more like a high end home with just that one thing. Love it!

  18. What a transformation. I doesn't even look like the same door. The transparent film is genius.

  19. You've done it again Brandi!! At my first glimpse of your painted door I though it was a professional (inspiration) image. It looks amazing!

  20. Brandy,
    Love your black door (my front door is black). Now...that boxwood wreath is beautiful...how much is it? I sure hope it is in my budget:)


  21. Wow Brandi that looks fabulous! I love the black and that wreath looks amazing too. The decorative film is a smart idea, lets the light in, offers privacy and looks beautiful.

  22. The black door is perfect. The boxwood wreath really pops out. Thank you for sharing. Would love it if you would share this at my Make it Pretty Monday party at The Dedicated House. http://thededicatedhouse.blogspot.com/2012/10/make-it-pretty-monday-week-21.html Hope to see you at the bash! Toodles, Kathryn @TheDedicatedHouse

  23. This is amazing! Love the colours.
    Thanks for sharing.
    Hope to see you on my blog:)

  24. I love it! It is so simple and elegant and the boxwood wreath is the perfect touch! xx

  25. Hi Brandi, I'm thinking of painting my front door black. Thanks for helping me decide to go for it.

  26. I would and I am :) We have a hallway that leads to our garage. I have a can of black paint that I purchased about a month ago, waiting for me to complete my project. My husband thinks I am nuts. I am painting the door that leads to the garage black and then stenciling frenchy disigns on the panels.

  27. Love the door :) Your wreath is a nice touch too :)

  28. Love the black. I painted all my doors inside on the first floor dark brown.

  29. Love the black! Also good call with the window film.

  30. the first black door picture looks amazing! did you use a different camera, lol. love the new color!

  31. Looks fab...I have a new blog... Please stop by at www.vintageonadime.blogspot.com for Welcome Home Wednesday party Thanks Debbie

  32. I love painted interior doors & painted my garage door in the laundry room teal for the challenge. I want to paint my front door & side panels black. I think the black looks so stylish & elegant!

  33. I love the black! It's super classic!

  34. Love love love it! Im actually going to be painting both the exterior and interior of my front door black!

  35. It looks fabulous!! I love the white trim against the black and the wreath is perfect!

  36. Yes love the look of the back door painted black and you boxwood wreathe.

  37. I love the black door trend - such great bang for the buck with real impact! Your boxwood wreath looks beautiful with the black door too - I'm such a sucker for anything boxwood!

  38. Your door is so pretty! Your wreath is so sweet and simple! Perfectly fit for my philippine homes. Love it! :)

  39. The drama that the black door creates is the same reason why I painted one of my walls black in my craft room. (Hopefully I'll do a post on that in the near future.) Love the wreath. Great job!

  40. Like all the other comments, it looks GREAT! Did you do both sides? This is going on my never ending to do list :)

  41. I've been eyeing those black doors on Pinterest. It looks fantastic, Brandi! Nice job!

  42. Looks gorgeous! It's amazing how a few coats of paint totally transform a space. Love it :)


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