Tuesday, June 5, 2012

A Sneak Peek and A Question

Hallelujah!  The spindles are done!  Done, finished, finito!  After all of the stripping, sanding, scraping, cleaning, staining, and cursing painting, my hard work has paid off.  

I love the way they turned out.  I couldn't be more pleased.  And guess what, my husband loves them too.  Told you dear, you just have to trust me. ; )

Next, I need to hang the botanical prints for the gallery wall.  But before I go any further, I need your help.  I purchased a bunch of cheap, oak-colored frames from Wal-Mart and stained them to match the spindles.  My husband thinks the frames and the spindles are too matchy-matchy.  I, on the other hand, love the look.  So, I need your help.  Should I keep the frames as is, or paint them a different color?

To refresh your memory, here's a picture of the prints and mats.

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  1. They're perfect!
    Good job!

  2. Your spindles are beautiful. I would probably go with a different color frame if your hanging several prints. On the other hand, you never go wrong with what YOU love.
    Mary Alice

  3. good for you! how satisfying to see your finished product!

  4. if you love it then go for it!!!
    I think it will look great.. just in case you cared lol

  5. I like the frames as is too.

    Mrs. Delightful

  6. Your hard work DID pay off! Those spindles look great! I like the color of the frames with those prints. Hmm, tough decision. I'm a visual person so I would have to see it on the wall near the spindles.

  7. Hi Brandi! your spindles look great, don't you love it when all your hard work pays off:) I love those botanical prints, where did you get them? I agree with the others, trust your gut and go with the stained framed, I think they will really pop against your light walls!

  8. Great job Brandi! If it were me I would have taken a baseball bat to those spindles weeks ago LOL!!
    The frames look great as is....but I know you, they won't look that way for long. Don't we love getting input from our husbands!?

  9. Great job on the spindles! I understand about the matchy-matchy idea, but in this case I like the impact of the dark frames with the subtle botanicals.(beautiful by the way) If it doesn't work you can paint the frames another color, even if it does mean more work.

  10. Yay, I know you're happy those spindles are done. I like the frames as it. I can't wait to see this gallery wall once it's finished!

  11. Spindles look very nice. Good job.

  12. Yeah! They look great -- I know they were a lot of work but so worth your efforts!

  13. As usual you did a great job Brandy! I think you will know when you hang your pictures whether or not they're too matchy matchy. It usually works out best when you go with your first instinct. If not paint is cheap and quick. Good luck!

  14. Wow! I was waiting to see how your labor of love would turn out, they look amazing! I think I would paint three of them white...I don't know why, just a thought!

  15. I love the dark frames with the fresh green! The dark color makes the green pop. The spindles look lovely!
    Have a great weekend!

  16. Hi Brandi,

    Oh wow your hard work paid off big time. Your spindles are GORGEOUS!!!

    I love the wood frames I'm just saying :)


  17. Although I am in the mismatched stage...I think the frames are perfect as they are.

  18. They are gorgeous, Brandi! Nice job! I'm sure you've already decided on the frames; but I love the dark wood.

  19. Spindles turned out great and Ill say keep the frames as you made them, it will look great and compliment each other. besides the dark woody brown goes perfect with the green leaves :D


  20. Stopping by from the Sew Darn Crafty Link Party. The spindles turned out great!

  21. Brandi, Congrats on finally completing your spindles! The frames might look "match-y" but once on the wall they are going to look fantastic! Don't forget to post pics!

  22. I'd keep them the way they are Brandi, love the prints too!
    Lost you for a while, blogger messed up my bloglist and so many were missing including you so now I'll fix that:) Thanks for stopping by!


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