Sunday, June 17, 2012

Grandmom's Peach Cobbler

There are 1000 different ways to make peach cobbler, this is my version.

One of my family's favorite desserts is my grandmother's cobbler. I will always associate cobbler with my grandmom.

Before she passed away, I can remember calling her for the recipe. Problem was, my grandmother didn't need measuring utensils to cook.  She eyeballed everything!  So naturally, the first few times I made it I was disappointed when it didn’t turn out just right.  Fast forward to 2012…I have now perfected my grandma's recipe.

The perfect summer comfort food.  It just wouldn't be summer without cobbler.  Serve with vanilla ice cream and it's delicious! Indulge!  You won't be sorry you did!

1 cup all-purpose flour
1/2 cup granulated sugar
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup very cold butter

10 to 12 large peaches, peeled and sliced
1/2 cup granulated sugar
1 tablespoon ground cinnamon
1/4 cup butter, cut it into small pieces
1/4 cold water

Preheat oven to 325 degrees F.  Butter the inside of a 2-1/2 quart baking dish.

Combine 1 cup flour, 1/2 cup granulated sugar, 1/4 teaspoon salt, and the cold, diced butter in a large bowl.  Using a pastry blender or a fork combine until mixture is crumbly.  Cover with plastic wrap and place in the refrigerator for at least one hour, to set. 

Place sliced peaches into the bottom of baking dish.  Sprinkle sugar, then cinnamon evenly on top of peaches.  Top with small butter pieces.     

Take the mixture out of the refrigerator.  Use a fork to separate crumbs, then sprinkle evenly over peaches.  Drizzle cold water over top.

Bake for 1 hour, until the top is lightly browned and the juices are bubbly.  Serve warm.

*This recipe was made in loving memory of my grandmom.


  1. this is the recipe I use...somehow when you call it Grandmas peach cobbler , it sounds better!!
    boy, does that look yummy!

  2. Such a nice tribute to your grandmother. One of my favorite childhood memories is MY grandmothers peach cobbler. My mother did it justice too. Neither used utensils. I've never been able to get it just the way they did. Maybe it's in my head that theirs just tasted better.

  3. Yum! Funny, my daughter was just talking about calling her grandma (94) for a couple recipes, and I warned her...grandma will tell you...a little of this, a dab of that, a pinch of this, etc,! Most of her recipes are trial and error for me too!

  4. That looks good Brand, my grandma was the same way. She made the best applesauce cake I ever tasted. No one in my family can duplicate it. Just let me try baking something without a recipe, yuck! I definitely didn't inherit that gene. How did they do it? Your grandma looks really sweet.This is a really nice tribute to her.

  5. Brandi, the recipe sounds delicious! What a beautiful Grandmother!

    Have a great week!

  6. Brandi, this peach cobbler looks AMAZING! I will DEFINITELY be making this! And it is that more special that when you make it, it can remind you of your grandma. :)
    I hope you had a good weekend, and that your Monday is a great one!


  7. I'm glad that you carried on her memory through food. Your kids will pass it along too!

  8. yumm...looks like I will be trying this recipe soon. I
    will be passing through Clanton,AL to visit my grandbaby and I always stop at Durbin Farms and get
    some peaches!! Can't wait to try it! Your grandmom looks very sweet. Thank you for sharing her recipe.
    (my grandmother cooked the same eyeballing)

  9. What a sweet tribute! Brandi, you are killing me with these closeups of the crust and ala mode action!!!

    I just pinned this, lol!

  10. Sounds delicious!! What a precious memory of your Grandma.

  11. That looks delish! I LOVE a good cobbler...and I'm certain this is going to be good!
    Your grandmom is beautiful~it makes me think of my grandma...I was just thinking yesterday about how much I miss her...I would call her for lots of recipes and I got the same answer as you...NOTHING EXACT! lol

  12. Brandi this looks so delicious! My brother-in-law is a 'freak' for peach cobbler. My sister has been asking me for a recipe, but I never made it before so I couldn't help her out. Yours sound super easy, so I'm sending this to her. This is a such a special tribute to your grandmother. Thanks for sharing.

  13. Nothing much better than peach cobbler. Wish it was on my diet.

  14. I've eaten enough Peach Cobbler in my lifetime to understand a well-prepared dish when I see one. Looks awesome.

    Hilarious @ how both of our grandmothers eyeballed in the kitchen.

  15. Beautiful Grandmom....What a lovely way to remember her....

  16. I can picture this being made with such loving hands! I have my Granny's rolling pin in my kitchen and every time I look at it, I am reminded of the haze of flour she was always in baking something yummy. I love peach cobbler and will give this a try! Coming over from WOW us Wed, Christie at Three Pixie Lane

  17. What a loving tribute! Thank you so much for sharing over at Weekend Potluck! And we really appreciate you linking back! I'm sharing this over on my facebook page today!

  18. This just reminded me of how much I want some peach cobbler! I think I might just have to make some this weekend. Thanks for the reminder :)

  19. Looks so delicious! My family would love this recipe. Come and visit us. We are having a flip flop giveawy. They are so cute.

  20. Sounds great. One correction, I am sure people know not to put in that much salt in the instruction portion of the recipe, but you never know.

  21. Thank-you Lesa! Just fixed it!

  22. Oh just said the magic words...peach absolute fav with the vanilla ice cream for sure! You can bet I will be trying your Grandmothers recipe!!!

  23. Oh, how I love peach desserts! And a cobbler is so much easier than a pie...your sweet grandmother's recipe looks perfect~

  24. Gosh --- now I am hungry! It looks delicious... Cobbler is 100% comfort food and even more so when the recipe comes from someone you love. Thanks for sharing your recipe :~)

  25. Nothing sounds or looks better than when grandma is in the title. This looks delish! Makes me want to use the peaches I have.

    Thank you for sharing.
    Have a great day.

  26. What a beautiful lady and what a beautiful looking dessert! Thank you for sharing your recipe -- Peach cobbler is one of my favorites so I'll definitely be trying this!

  27. It looks wonderful!! Thanks for sharing her recipe!!

  28. This Peach Cobbler Recipe looks delicious. I make mine a little different, but have always wanted another recipe with the crunchy topping. I live in SC and the peaches are in right now. I haven't made a peach cobbler yet this year, but may have to check this one out. Thanks for sharing. Blessings,
    Deborah H. Bateman-Author

  29. This sounds like the comforts of home, for sure. I have a quick cobbler recipe, but have always wanted a tried and true family recipe. I will definitely be using this one.

  30. This recipe looks amazing. I have to give peach cobbler another try. It did not turn out right the first time I made it. Thanks for sharing this recipe.

    Mrs. Delightful

  31. You have a beautiful grandmom, Brandi! I know she delighted each and every time you asked for that recipe. This looks wonderful and with that dollop of vanilla ice cream on top, I can almost taste the sweet goodness. Thank you for sharing this beautiful tribute to your grandmother and this yummy recipe. I've never made a peach cobbler before. I think it's about time to change that.


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