Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Decorating for the 4th of July

Growing up, my favorite holiday was the Fourth of July. Seriously!  I loved it more than opening presents on Christmas morning.

The festivities started with a big parade down Main Street, followed by free hot dogs and soda at the firehouse.

Later in the day all of my family would gather at my grandparent's house for a backyard BBQ.  We would end the day by watching a firework display at the park.

This year we are planning a small barbecue, so I decided to decorate the house red, white and blue.

I started by gathering a few empty spaghetti sauce jars and decorating them with puffy paint.

I placed tea-light candles inside of the smaller jars.

The starfish reminds me of days at the Jersey shore.

I filled the larger jars with clippings from my yard.  An inexpensive way to bring nature in.

I finished it off with garland strung together with twine and ribbon.  Simple and Inexpensive!

What are your plans for July 4th?  A great day of food?  Spending the day with family and friends?  However you celebrate, have fun!


  1. Love the jars!! I grew up until age 10 on Long Island, and I too remember all the parades and such. And, the firework display over the bay area. We will be in Charleston this year (my Mother's Day gift). Usually we head to the local display by the railroad tracks, but this year hope to view them from our patio outside our hotel room.

  2. The dot flag design is SOOO cute! I was thinking about decorating our home with mason jars and tea lights for our BBQ. Thanks for the inspiration Brandi!

  3. Great decorations Brandi, love the banner and tea lights in jars. We usually just watch the fireworks. I love fireworks, I get just as excited about them as I did when I was little girl.

  4. You and your fabulous groove...I just love it and your flag banner is adorable!

  5. very pretty! so far I only have a new runner on the dining table but I want to do more.
    love your jars.

  6. Hi Brandi,

    So pretty! Your puff paint jars are so cool. I love the banner too.

    The Jersey Shore ROCKS!


  7. I love the jars. They look great and so thrifty too! Fabulous :)

  8. Everything is so pretty and festive...we are going to disney :)

  9. This 4th I'm coming to see you....because I know you can cook.
    Great post Brandi.

  10. Wow, I LOVE your blog!!! So glad you stopped by my blog so I could check you out. I am literally going through your every post so I'm sure it'll take me some time! You're so talented and I'm already inspired :)

  11. Thanks for stopping by Brandi, the vase was fun to make!
    I love the jars with the puffy paint, so creative!

  12. My family is visiting for the 4th. I really need to splash some red, white, and blue around.

  13. I love simple little holiday touches like this. Thanks for linking up.

  14. I love it! That is so cute!!I am your newest subscriber/follower! :) Have a great day! Erin

  15. Love your decorating! The fourth of July is fun, but lately it's been so hot here in the south that it's hard to do the bar-b-cues. We did have fun when we were kids though. Thanks for your visit and your sweet comment! I'm your newest follower. :-)

  16. Love your puffy paint art! Your memories sound wonderful! Enjoy your barbecue!

  17. Puffy paint?! WHO KNEW?! I would love for you to share this at my patriotic link party :)

  18. I'm loving the patriotic jars with the patriotic paint!! I'll have to try this, really..who knew!! Thanks for your lovely visit darling girl. How are your kiddoes, the pretty girl and handsome boy doing? Happy 4th.!!!

  19. Adore all the jars and the way you have used them! I would be delighted for you to link to Potpourri Friday (in progress)! I have just returned from an extended blog break and it's nice to "see" everyone again!

  20. What a unique and cute idea! I was given loads of puff paint from an old neighbor when I helped her move. Was never sure what to use it on besides fabric. Love the option of other surfaces, got my creative thoughts running now. Thanks for sharing another great project. Hope you'll join us at Frugal Treasures Tuesday next week.

  21. Hi Brandi! I'm stopping back by to
    say thank you so much for sharing your creativity at Potpourri Friday! I hope you decide to make this a weekly party stop!

  22. Hi Brandi!
    Oh, what creative 4th of July trimmings! How pretty this must be at night! I love your banner! I have yet to make one!
    I hope you have a happy 4th, sweet friend!
    Carolynn xo

  23. This is darling. Love what you have done with the jars and banner. Happy 4th!

  24. Your display is just delightful and charming, Brandi! Hope you have a wonderful 4th!

  25. Brandi, Thanks for sharing your festive vignette at the Open House Party. Love the jars with the flag.

  26. I had a wonderful and caring and nurturing mom; but how I would have loved to have grown up in a home like you are making for your husband and children. You obviously share so much love with your family in decorating your beautiful home and the yummy food you prepare for them. You're my hero, Brandi. I love it!


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