Thursday, June 5, 2014

Patio Makeover and Reveal

WooHoo, we finished our patio project!  Feels so good to finally have it done.

Everything was a mess!

We had some help clearing out the area and laying the pavers down; which I shared in this post.

A big improvement, but there was still a lot to do.

Better, right?!

I painted the house, then gave the door a fresh-new look with a can of exterior-oops paint from Home Depot.  We also gave the retaining wall bricks a good cleaning with the pressure washer. 

I added few potted plants to add life to the patio.

I have a love/hate relationship with ivy on the back of the house.  It can be very aggressive, so we've kept it contained to this small area.

The chairs are from Lowe's and the table and ottomans were purchased online from Home Decorators Collection.

I purchased another fiddle leaf fig.  During the summer I keep them outdoors.

They're doing really well and seem to be healthy.

I purchased the candle from Target.
It's even prettier when lit.

I enjoy sitting out here with a few magazines and enjoying the breeze.

I love the look of the steps with a few potted plants.

I couldn't find a pattern that I liked, so I made a my own outdoor pillows.

I love azaleas, I just wish their flowers lasted all summer.

So, I swapped the three in the middle for hostas.  Hostas are lush, easy to grow and require minimal care.

We have a deck outside of our living/dining room, but this area is cozy and relaxed.

It's where we have our morning coffee.

And it's a great place to sit and relax with a glass of wine.

Now that the weather is starting to warm up, we’re going to be spending a lot more time out here!

Thanks so much for visiting!  I hope you enjoyed my small patio space.

I am linking this post to:
Tatertots and Jello
Make It Love It
By Stephanie Lynn


  1. What a great spot for your morning coffee. I really like the pillows you made, great pattern. The paver's really make the space and all of your plants look really healthy. I love azalea's too, but once the flowers are done, well it's a We have a ton of hosta too, they do spread and fill in the area, but they can be seperated after a few years. Great space!

  2. Your patio is very lovely and cozy. I know you'll love spending "me" time out there just relaxing and daydreaming. It's looks so inviting and is a great get away space. Great job in putting it together! Btw, I love seeing ivy on exterior walls, too.

  3. You did a great job! I always tend to neglect the outdoors when it comes to decorating but have been inspired to step it up now! Where are those matches from? So cute.

  4. I love it so much! Such a great job! It is the perfect space and makes me want a patio just like it :)

    Gorgeous pictures too! Especially of the wine ... def. craving a glass now ;)

  5. Wow, you have done a great job! It's so pretty and inviting. I love the color you gave the door, the pillows and the plants, beautiful! Heading off to check how you laid the pavers because my patio looks like your before.

  6. Wow. You guys have been busy!! It looks fantastic Brandi. Perfect spot for coffee or late afternoon iced tea. Love the color of the door!!

  7. that looks great! it really came together once you put the furniture out there. love the door color, and the non matchy ottomans. enjoy!!

  8. Guurrrllll! you did a fantastic job ..(as always).. the patio area is perfect..I absolutely love it.. It's wonderful to be able to sit back relax and enjoy the moment and you created the perfect space to do it in.

  9. What a cozy little space! I love it Brandi :)

  10. This looks fantastic! Super great makeover. Loved the nice, clean look and the potted plants are my fave as I am a lover of all things green; except weeds of course! :)

  11. You sure brought it up to date love the blue door since blue is my favorite color it jumped right out to me

  12. Brandi it looks wonderful!!!!! I hope you will share your lovely patio at the hop today xox

  13. Well done...inspirational for sure...enjoy !!!

  14. That turned out super cute Brandi! I would be out there all the time with a good book, magazine or working on a quilt. Enjoy your new space!

  15. Your patio looks fantastic and relaxing!! And even though you have a love /hate relationship with the ivy - I love it!! I also love your new door color, looks so pretty.

    The space looks so relaxing!

  16. Woot Woot to your new patio!!! you do have an eye for decorating and handy hands as well. NOT to mention your photography!!! Really spiffy patio and a wonderful place to just chill-lax.

    It was a spur of the moment things or I would have ask you, was at the farmers market yesterday. What on earth are they doing there??? ALL The trees are gone on that hill and nothing but dirt and dust blowing in the wind. Wonder what they will be putting there. Anyway, ran in to get some spices and flaxseed. I SO miss that place. HOPE you have a blessed summer.

  17. Looks fresh & inviting!!

  18. Just beautiful. And so very creative.

    And you know it's really special because your little one took some of the photos. That was too precious.

    Enjoy many dauys out there Brandi!

  19. What a sweet little secluded spot! I love it all.

  20. Beautiful Brandi! your patio is gorgeous. You did a great job. Love the door color,plants and that pretty pillow you made.It all came together so well.

  21. Adorable and very inviting! Love!

    Little Bitty Damn Houze

  22. Your little patio looks great. What a major transformation!

  23. ....and I like the use of the pavers too. Perfect for being budget friendly and they can always be moved if needed.

  24. I love hostas...good choice ;) Well your patio looks fantastic and so cozy. All you need now are some citronella plants to keep those bugs away ;)

  25. Brandi,

    You are very careful, everything was very good and practical.


  26. Looks great Brandi! I especially love the door color!

  27. Love it I am still waiting on your

  28. It looks wonderful, Brandi!! I love all your little touches. I didn't know a fiddle leaf fig would grow outdoors. Good to know. What a nice, relaxing place to enjoy. Love the blue door and the pillows are perfect! Great job!

  29. What a beautiful makeover, now you can sit back and enjoy all the hard work:)

  30. AH-MA-ZING! Brandi, I am always so amaze by the things you come up with. Great makeover!

  31. Hey Brandi

    This is amazing you did a great job, I love the blue door for a pop of color, goes great with everything. I need to come and chill with you, lol!! Put a glass of wine out for me too!

  32. What a lovely space, Brandi! That blue door is gorgeous! Love all of your greenery; and the space just looks so peaceful and serene.

  33. So much better Brandi dear! I can't believe it's the same space?! love seeing the progress and now the vision realized, you ENJOY your space dear, and go thru all the magazines and catalogs you can fathom with beauty all around you! great job!

  34. So So pretty sis. Its such beautiful cozy space. Perfect for a summer morning or afternoon. I adore the blue door and all the pretty plantings:)

  35. Hi Brandi, what an amazing space you created. It is so inviting and the perfect spot for relaxing. Love the ottomans. I am looking for some like this, so good to read where you found yours.
    Love your blue door! Perfect sweet pillows and I love your olive bucket.
    Have a nice weekend on your patio.

  36. I feel more relaxed already - loving your patio images and you've inspired me to get a little more done on mine! Happy weekend ~

  37. Hi, Brandi! I hope you enjoy your new patio a lot, it looks LOVELY! A very pleasant place to spend evenings by the candlelight :) I adore the cushions!
    And have a wonderful weekend! ;)

  38. So pretty! Such a nice spot to relax. You give me hope about my backyard.

    I also have a love/hate relationship with ivy. I like your approach instead of removing it all.

  39. I love everything about this space! The colors are magnificent and so soothing. You created an amazing space to relax. :-)

  40. Agree about azaleas and hostas, love the fabric on the pillows you made, and it looks like the Lowes chairs sit upright more the others, I might need to check theirs out. But the cream.... those foot rests, love them!

  41. I'll bet you are simply LOVING this re-do to your patio area. Having it is like an extension to the indoor living space. We use our outdoor porch, deck and patio areas ALL the time for meals, entertaining or just plain relaxing on days when we get a cool breeze. LOVE what you have done with your area!! xox

  42. Pretty! Such simple fixes that pack such an impact! Love that you layered this look from the pavers to the foliage...I can really see lazy afternoons spent lounging and catching up on all my fave mags! Just lovely!

    Peace. Love. LOL!

    Haute Khuuture Blog

  43. Brandi, you've done it again. Your patio is absolutely FAB!!! I love it... :)

  44. Looks amazing! Fabulous transformation!!


  45. I'd love something like this in my backyard! This looks fabulous! Taking notes...

  46. It looks wonderful! I really like the color of the door. And your pillows go with the door perfectly. Great job!

  47. I absolutely looove the door color!

  48. Everything's so picturesque - even your matches are adorable!

  49. You are doing what I WANT and NEED to be doing. Outdoor projects. I did well last year, but haven't started anything yet except for planting sunflowers. I need to get my garden beautified! Been spending too much time at the mall shopping instead of working in my garden. ((gurgle))

  50. Oh how I love renovations! Well done. :D It should be a perfect summer everyday getaway.

    ♥ | | xoxo

  51. With the ivy & the lovely changes you've made to it, your patio looks like it could be part of a quaint French cottage. I'm coming over! I will drink all of your wine. Imagine the laughs we'll share ;-)


  52. Nice job! I think it looks like a nice place to sit and relax! Love all your plants!!

  53. Hi Brandi!

    Your patio looks charming. To think before I left you were just putting down the pavers. It really came out nice. I love the little personal touches you added especially by making your own pillows! The greenery is lovely too. Did you consider putting in a few herbs or scented geraniums? The citronella scented geraniums are not aggressive and they ward off those nasty mosquitos on hot summer nights.

    I can just imagine you sipping, whether it be coffee, tea or wine in such a tranquil and charming space. Thank you so much for sharing, Brandi. Now, I want a patio toooooooo, lol...

  54. Brandi! You did a fantastic job on your patio makeover. It's just beautiful. I know you're enjoying spending time out there. The flowers are gorgeous and I love the pillow fabric that you picked out. So many pretty details. GREAT job!!!

  55. Looks great! I love the pop of color on the door.

  56. Brandi,
    Your patio looks so nice. You have really done a great job on it. That pot is pretty with such a cool design. And those pink matches, wherever did you find them? It looks like such a relaxing area for you to read, think, or just enjoy.

    Can I have some of those nuts now, they look delicious?


  57. This makeover turned out great. I love it. I also love the design of your blog. I found your blog through Keoshia at MrsDoingme. Thanks for sharing this transformation.

  58. The patio is beautiful! I love the color you chose for the front door. The area has such a cozy feel. That flower pot that looks like lace is so pretty! I wish I had one like it. I like the chairs that you went with. I would love sitting out there reading a book and drinking tea. :)

  59. It looks so pretty; great makeover.

  60. hello brandi, my name is bobbybegood1 and i found your super duper blog via another wonderful blog - diane cayton-hakey. i really like your patio. you did such a fabulous job. i hope we can become blogfriends. you have a great-looking family. cheers!!

  61. Whale of a job!!! That blue door is one of my very favorite design elements! It's so fresh! It's the perfect pick-me-up color for a door!

    The depth of my jealousy for your ability to sew is unsurpassed! You created such pretty pillows in the most appealing fabric!!!

    This is one heck of a transformation! Enjoy it!!!

  62. Suzanne of Simply Suzannes at Home

    Dear Brandi, You did an amazing job on our patio!! I love the colors and textures . . . and all your pretty touches.
    I've been working on our patio for about a month now. It needed some refreshing :0) You've inspired me, sweet gal!
    Thanks so much for sharing!
    Have a beautiful week,

  63. Suzanne of Simply Suzannes at Home

    Dear Brandi, You did an amazing job on our patio!! I love the colors and textures . . . and all your pretty touches.
    I've been working on our patio for about a month now. It needed some refreshing :0) You've inspired me, sweet gal!
    Thanks so much for sharing!
    Have a beautiful week,

  64. You did a great job! I know what kind of work it is since we did all our own patio work here. Looks like a nice area to kick back and relax!

  65. I totally missed this. The patio looks great of course. The perfect place to relax, minus these stupid ga mosquitoes. I love how everything came together!

  66. Oooh, I love the color you painted your door. Lots of hard work, but it really paid off! Just a gorgeous space for relaxing.

  67. You have a lovely patio! I love how all the colors come together! It looks like the perfect location to relax and get some reading done :-)

  68. Such a great update Brandi and the perfect intimate spot to relax. I love your pretty pots and the oops paint! Wonderful job, enjoy!

  69. I really like how you re-did it! It is super nice!

  70. Wow Wow Wow Brandi! This looks like a garden from a model home on HGTV! You've got quite the landscaping/design/gardening touch! Go Brandi!

  71. You all did a remarkable job on this cosy sweet patio project. Love it!
    What a huge difference - and isn't it awesome to have just more outdoor living space? Yay, well done, ma'am!

  72. I absolutely love it - wonderful job.. makes me want to get out there and work on mine... see ya!

  73. Love this patio reveal! It's so cozy and inviting. You did a great job styling it, too! I'd love for you to come share at our link party going on now, if you've not yet.

  74. Brandi, your patio is just perfect!! I love having morning coffee outside, what a wonderful spot for that.. I've been looking around and catching up on all your projects, you're so talented. Wish we were neighbors:) enjoy your 4th of July with your family!! xo

  75. Hi Brandi,

    The patio is fabulous and will be a neat place to relax and enjoy the summer.
    Many thanks for visiting me and hope you are enjoying the week

  76. Your patio looks so lovely, I really like the climbing ivy. We had it at my old house, we let it creep across the side lawn where no one walked thru, it was so beautiful. But we constantly had to trim it from the house and trees. I loved it on the trees, hubby did not.

  77. I love your Patio. I keep coming back to it to get inspiration.


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