Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Etsy Dreaming, Random Thoughts

I love to make pillows and have dreamed of selling on Etsy for quite some time.  I've researched and procrastinated for a very long time.  I've thought about it and talked myself out of it, at the same time.

What if they hate it?  What if nothing sells?  I want my kids to see the world as being full of unlimited possibilities.  To take risks!  I know in my heart that it's time.  I need to worry less, let go of fear and doubt.

My husband's advice...Just do it!  What are you waiting for?  We'll figure it out!

I wonder if one day, I’ll work up enough nerve to list my first item.


  1. I am going to find you and give you a stern talking to ma'am get yourself on Etsy now and when you do send me the link so I can put it up on my site you got until this summer...get to it lol

  2. Brandi, you TOTALLY need to open an Etsy shop!! I've seen what you can do and you have some amazing skills! My son recently opened an Etsy shop selling photographs and custom "Keep Calm and Carry On" posters and stuff like that and he's really enjoying it. I even gave him free advertising on my blog. Lol! You should totally go for it!

  3. I'm right there with you Brandi, I've talked myself into and out of it so many times! I would be selling vintage things...I have a pile of dishes that are all different but beautiful, I hate to give to GW because I know some would love to own some of them!
    I'll be checking back to see what you decide to do:)

  4. If it's something you want to do, you should absolutely go after it! I think you'll regret it if you don't! Anyone & everyone that makes a decision like has to start somewhere. Your pillows will be beautiful, so you don't have anything to worry about there! I sure hope you decide to (if its what you truly want)! Good luck and go get it girl!!!

  5. Are you kidding me? If I had your talent, I would have done it already. And when you get started, I'll be your first customer because I love that cute little pillow. It has my name written all over it... :)

  6. i know the story all too well...been thinking of selling baked goods for a long ass time!

  7. stuff will sell! You know how to market yourself, and you have adorable style. Do it! :)

  8. I totally think your should go for it!! Step outside your comfort zone and push yourself, I know its scary and something I'm totally working on this year too, pushing my self to just do it! :)

  9. Brandi, you know I feel about the matter already. If you need someone to talk to or just bounce ideas off of, you have my number! I am in your corner, we have to stick together cause it is a little scary to step outside ones comfort zone. I am currently making moves toward something I have wanted to do for years now and quite frankly I am terrified but I am still making strides. Lets make strides together friend!

  10. Do IT Brandi! SHare your talent and creativity!

  11. You have such great talent! I love seeing the things you create :) I think this is something you need to jump in and go for!

  12. DO IT! Your creations are beautiful, and, unique.

  13. DO what you love !! Pillows are my favorite go to item on Etsy so do it!!

  14. Go for it, Brandi! You don't want to say later, "I wish I had . . ." What's the hold up? There's always a market for unique styles.

  15. What the husband says, just do it.
    They are fabulous, you are so so so talented.
    Go for it Brandi, really.

  16. Do it! Right now! Hehe :) Just think of all the sales you have been missing by not being on there! You will be successful for sure!

  17. I just opened up an Etsy store after signing up for one months ago. I was really intimidated by the whole process. I suggest getting some books about setting up an Etsy store and start reading. I got some good pointers and the courage to finally start putting my jewelry up on my store. I also started a blog where I feature my stuff and document my Etsy store progress. I recently reviewed two books you might be interested in.

    Good Luck!

  18. Brandi! Do the doggone thing already! You know you have a PR person right here! Love you!

  19. Yes, do it - and you can start with one small step at a time. First up - make another one of those pillows and put it up on etsy. When you do, send me a link and I'll post about it. It's unique and fabulous!!

  20. I do the same thing Brandi. I'm glad to see that I'm not the only one. I over think things such as this.

    Gorgeous pillow! :)

  21. Hi Brandi,
    Go for it. I opened my Etsy shop several years ago and have enjoyed it so much. Not only is it a great source of income but it fuels my passion of shopping for great treasues at thrift stores and flea markets. Setting up and running a shop is easy so in the words of Nike...Just do it.
    I'm here if you need any questions answered or any guidance.

  22. Ha I wish i could even remotely sew a pillow as beautiful as yours. I would be a sewing machine. Maybe just list one or two and see how it does. Its gonna sell quickly so dont worry about that. I will pray that your doubt subsides because you are talented, girl!!

  23. You can do it!!, I know you'll work through it and when you feel ready it will happen. I'm rooting for you my sweet friend.

  24. Gorgeous pillow! Yes, definitely open your Etsy shop. I have one. I've only made a few sales, but that's okay. Just getting the shop open was a huge triumph for me personally. :) T.

  25. I agree with your husband...just do it! I think Etsy is what you make it. It only costs $0.20 to list an item, which means there isn't much to lose. You've definitely got a supportive fan base too. So, just do it! I wish you all the best. :-)

    p.s. I love this pillow!

  26. Amazing! I went into Kirkland the other day and saw a pillow and you came to my mind. Beautiful work Brandi

  27. You mean your NOT on Etsy??? Oh my Brandi, you should definitely go for it! I'm not much of an Etsy person but I have seen many talented people on Etsy and YOU, oh my, you would do GREAT!

    I know it's a little scary but hey, you really do need to push the envelope every once in a while and now seems to be a good time to go for it! Let the kids help any way they can. It will be good for them too.

    Thank you so much for sharing, Brandi...If that pillow is just one example, you really need to get going, lol...

    P.S. I'm going to take your sage advice and leave those charis as is:) They are not for sitting but I will add color with new pots to put in the seats and I think I will grow some evening blooming Moonflowers in them. I think they will look nice in the chairs and up against the fountain. I so appreciate your feedback, thanks:)

  28. Oh my goodness that pillow is beautiful and definitely nicer than some of the things I've seen on etsy! I hope you take the first step!

    xo Mary Jo

  29. First.. I love that pillow.. it's very nice.. .. as for Etsy.. Just Do It! When we took the plunge to open our shop we had the same fears.. we'll we were in business for 4 years and loved every bit of it. If the landlord hadn't raised the rent, we'd probably still be there..Go for it.. satisfy your soul..

  30. Go for it!
    I am in the same boat with the same kinda issues!
    I need to lauch my etsy and just be out there.

    You are so talented!! Those pillows are beautiful. I would buy them.

  31. I've been selling on etsy for over 5 years. It has been rewarding beyond my dreams. Please, please take your husband's advise and take the jump. If you ever want to chat about my experience feel free to reach out.

  32. I have been selling on ebay for 14 years - I know it isn't the same, but the nervous worry advice is as your husband's : jump in and TRY. Thing is if you go in expecting nothing but a true outlet of maybe the possibility of someone finding your (beautiful talented) wares and maybe buying, then yay. If not, well you TRIED. The only real failure is not trying at all.

    I wish you all the luck in the world. You can do this, and should do this. Just don't expect much and see what happens is all you need to really do.

    Bonne chance!

  33. Good Evening Brandi, I agree with your husband, you really should open an Etsy store as the cushion you have shown us is beautiful.
    I think sometimes in life, we think too much.... go on, take a leaf of faith..... just do it.
    Best Wishes

  34. So I'm assuming you made the pillow in those photos? 'Cause if so, you DEFINITELY have the skills to sell on Etsy!

  35. If all your pillows are as gorgeous as this then you need to get that Etsy store open NOW!

  36. I only read a few of the comments but, I DID open an Etsy shop. I no longer have it because of personal reasons. I had the same doubts you did but dad gum it, I tried it anyway. I agree with the others. Go for it. You have talent. Not everyone will like what you do but there are a lot of people who will. I recently brought my blog back after a 2 year absence. Don't just wonder about it, be about it. If you don't like it you can always close the shop just as I did.


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