Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Sweet Potato Pie

Growing up we never had pumpkin pie around the holidays.  We had sweet potato pie.  My dad and my grandma made the best sweet potato pie.  My siblings and I would fight over the last piece!

Homemade sweet potato pie is comfort food.  Each bite warms my heart.  It brings back memories of my dad and grandma baking pies in the kitchen.

The delicious smell of sweet potato pie baking in the oven would mean the holidays were here.

When I cook, I think of all the happy-family memories I'm creating for my children.  The most important work you and I will ever do will be within the walls of our own home.

I'm sure all of you have memories of family traditions similar to mine.  And if you don't, create new holiday traditions to enjoy with your own family. 

I am very thankful for all of you who visit my blog and share part of your day with me.  Your comments fill me with happiness.  Wishing you and your loved ones a warm and blessed Thanksgiving day!

Sweet Potato Pie-Ingredients
1(15-oz.) package refrigerated pie crusts
4 medium sweet potatoes (about 2 lbs.), peeled and cut into chunks
1 1/2 cups sugar
1 tsp. ground nutmeg
1 tsp. ground cinnamon
1 (14-oz.) can sweetened condensed milk
1 stick of butter, melted and cooled
2 large eggs
1 tsp. vanilla extract

Preheat oven to 350 F.  Fit crusts into 2 (8-inch) pie plates.  Place sweet potatoes in a large pot, cover with water and bring to a boil.  Reduce heat and cook 20 minutes, or until potatoes are tender; drain and mash in a separate bowl until smooth.  Add sugar, nutmeg, cinnamon, condensed milk, butter, eggs, and vanilla to mashed sweet potatoes, whisk until mixture is smooth.  Pour mixture evenly into crusts.  Bake until edges of filling are set and center is firm; about 45 minutes.  Cool on a wire rack.  Slice and serve with ice cream or a dollop of whipped cream. 

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  1. Aw yeah, sweet potato pie is a holiday staple. The scent of the pie baking can take me back to happy childhood memories. Have a happy Thanksgiving Brandi.

  2. Yum. I love anything with sweet potatoes!! Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!!

  3. I absolutely love sweet potato pie. Think I'll try this one tomorrow since I'm off:) Happy Thanksgiving Brandi!

  4. Sweet Potatoe Pie is a definite favorite around here.

  5. I will be making orange pie tomorrow, that is what my daughter use to call this pie when she was little. Our recipes are similar. Happy Thanksgiving Brandi!

  6. Great Post! I love me some SP Pie! I grew up eating both!!

    Wishing you & yours a wonderful, happy & blessed Thanksgiving Day too!

    Lee - Little Bitty Damn Houze

  7. We mostly have pumpkin pie but I do love sweet potato. The first time I ever had it was my first year as a teacher. One of my students brought it to me and it was wonderful! Your photos are so pretty. Love the plates you are serving on.

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.

  8. I love when you said "The most important work you and I will ever do will be within the walls of our own home." So true! :) That would be a good quote for printing out and framing. :) I love sweet potato pie too...thanks for the recipe! Wishing you and your family a wonderful Thanksgiving too. :) P.S. Love those plates!!

  9. Hi there my new friend. SWEET Potato PIE ..Now your speaking my language. I Love it and your blog. I saw you over at a friends BLOG and thought I need to check out your blog. SO glad that I did my friend. NOW your newest follower. LOVE your place. xoxoxo HUGS Sherry @ The Rusty Pearl

  10. Oh my word Brandi! Yours looks so delicious and that little scoop of ice cream looks perfect with it. Lucky family members who will be eating that this week!

  11. The pie looks delish! I always love seeing the variations of this pies recipe!! I love making both sweet potato pie & pumpkin pie for my family..at my dads family we always enjoyed SP while my mom always made pumpkin..so I love making both brings so many happy memories! :)

  12. So glad to see a post from you! The sweet potato pie looks delish. Being raised out west it was pumpkin pie in our house. I like the southern ways....such good food!
    Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!

  13. Happy Thanksgiving my friend! Enjoy the holiday and that awesome sweet potatoe pie. See you soon.

  14. Happy Thanksgiving! Thanks for this recipe. I love all things sweet potato!

  15. Looks really delicious. While I don't like sweet potatoes, I think I would totally like this pie ;)
    Happy Thanksgiving

  16. hummmm.... it looks really good!

    Happy Thanksgiving!


  17. Pies are in the oven as I write ..I will admit that the sweetened condensed milk AND sugar threw me a bit but upon taste testing, I realize what I have been missing for a while. You see, for the last couple of years I have been buying my sweet potato pie, very expensive and good pies, but a lot of hassle to order and pick up. Well, unless absolutely necessary, I will be making this pie from now on.

  18. Thanks so much for sharing your recipe! I've never had sweet potato pie before, and it sounds great! :)

  19. I agree our most important work is within the confines of our home. Happy Thanksgiving!

  20. Your sweet potato pie looks delicious, you know I didn't used to like them but my 2 year old does, so now I do too, so I'm sure I would love your pie very much Brandi! :-)
    wish you and your family to have a beautiful Thanksgiving :-)

  21. Greasy recipe! I use one that's very similar. We always had sweet potato pie for the holidays and it reminds me of my grandfather so much. I agree with you with the memories--it does start at home.

    1. Oh my! That is what my spell checker does to me at night when I shouldn't be typing! It was supposed to say "Great" recipe". I am so very sorry for the confusion! I do use a similar recipe and it comes out very yummy! Once again, so sorry for the confusion! *so embarrassing*

  22. This was my first year making a pumpkin pie; I grew up eating sweet potato pie, and never heard of/tried pumpkin pie until I got a little older. Your sweet potato pie looks delish!

  23. THAT'S MY GIRL!!!!! Yeah, baby! Sweet potato pie! Just had a little slice for breakfast this morning. (Kind of regretted it once I got to the place to work out, though! I was huffin' and puffin' something awful!) I grew up with both, but sweet potato wins out in this household every holiday season. We won't have to fight over the last piece because I made TWO this time around! :-)

  24. I also grew up with sweet potato pie and not pumpkin pie. My husband grew up the exact opposite. Thanks for sharing your recipe. I've never made one myself and think I'll give it a try.

  25. I love pumpkin pie and sweet potato pie. I didn't like it as a kid but my taste changed when I get older. It is comfort food that I enjoy immensely. I haven't perfected the art of making pies and rely on my mom for holiday desserts but I will give your recipe a try.Thanks for sharing.

  26. Missed these 2 Thanksgiving ingredient Brandi, but looks delectable indeed!


  27. Hello Brandi,I wonder if i can use the same recipe using pumpkin?Thanks!

  28. I've yet to try baking a pumpkin pie because I'm so hooked on pumpkin muffins. I will definitely give your recipe a try. Look delicious! Thanks for sharing the recipe.

  29. That looks delicious, Brandy! My family loves anything sweet potato, and I know they'll love this too.

  30. Hi Brandi - I know I am kind of late to the pumpkin pie party, but besides the recipe I LOVe your plates, so pretty! Jane

  31. I like sweet potato pie too! And I like that your recipe includes sweetened condensed milk. I am going to give it a try! Thanks for sharing the recipe and some of your sweet family memories :)

  32. This is one of my favorite desserts. Thanks so much for sharing your recipe with us. It looks so delicious!

    Dropping by from Sunday Showcase...

    Merry Christmas to you!



  33. Thank you so much for sharing your recipe. Years ago I was traveling with my parents and stopped by old neighbors that had moved back to their home in California. They served Sweet Potato pie that was to die for. They had a restaurant and it was served there. I have dreamed of this pie for the last 26 years. I will make this pie this week. So happy for the opportunity. I too love family traditions ~ either ones from my youth or ones I start today !


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