Thursday, October 6, 2011

Bench Makeover

  I purchased this bench from a seller on Craigslist a few months ago.  It's a good size and I thought it would look nice on my porch.  Although the color wasn't bad as is, I decided to paint over it using leftover paint I had on hand.

  After giving the bench a fresh coat of paint, I felt like it looked a little plain.  I added a stencil pattern to the top of bench using template from Emily at Jones Design Company.

My pattern didn't turn out as well as I hoped blamed in part to my crappy paint brush and unsteady hands...

but, overall I am pleased with the new look!

Thank-you so much Emily for sharing your template!

  *A huge thanks to Kim at Today's Creative Blog for featuring my bench on her Facebook page and Kristi at Addicted 2 Decorating for featuring my bench on her blog!  You guys are awesome!!!!

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  1. I think your transformations are amazing...this is beautiful! ;D

  2. Brandi: I LOVE what you did to the bench! Nobody would know about the unsteady hand.You make me wanna try to use a stencil--which I happen to buy last night :) Great job!


    PS. Thanks so much for stopping by my blog. I appreciate your kind words. :)

  3. I think it looks perfect! Very cute, I love the color.

  4. Oooh, I like it! It looks fine just the way it is...the imperfections make it unique so you know exactly who it belongs too:) I love it!

  5. Brandy girl.. you are awesome!!! I love the bench!!

  6. Brandi, it looks great. If you hadn't said anything, I wouldn't have felt the need to enlarge the pic. I STILL think it looks great. You're being too hard on yourself. I do the same thing though. lol

  7. Brandi I love it! Its so cute. Love the color. You are so talented.

  8. Your bench looks great in the photos! If there are small imperfections in the stencilling, they certainly aren't noticeable from here.

  9. I really, really like it!!! Nice work! And I'm glad I can comment! WOOT!

  10. I think it looks beautiful. I love the design!

  11. I think it looks perfect! Great job!

  12. It looks fantastic, Brandi!! I'm yet to master a stencil so kudos to you!!
    Thanks for checking out my blog today, too!!

  13. Brandi,

    You always put together such amazing things. I wanted this exact pattern in the space above my fireplace. Love what you've done.

  14. This is so it have a good weekend Brandi

  15. Great transformation! I love that stencil, I need to find a place to use it, I thought on a wall, but now you have me thinking... :)

    Have a fun weekend!

  16. Brandi, your bench looks great. I will have to give this a try. Very nice staging too!

  17. Your bench looks great especially the stenciling. Your small imperfections make it an original!

  18. GORGEOUS!! I really love this Brandi!

  19. Your bench looks beautiful, :) Lori m

  20. Looks like you did a fabulous job to me!! Totally love it! Found you via Addicted 2 Decorating and I'm a new follower!

  21. That turned out really cute Brandi, I love the pattern.
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  22. Brandi the bench looks fabulous, what imperfections? I love the stencil, you did a great job.

  23. Cadê a imperfeições? Está fantástico seu banco, Brandi! Fez um ótimo trabalho, penso que usar estencil é sempre bem complicado, mas vejo que você domina a técnica... e sabe usar as cores... em todos seus trabalhos vejo que harmoniza bem as cores... minha Amiga, como aprecio suas transformações! Tenha um ótimo fim de semana, beijinhos do Brasil.

  24. It looks great! Well Done!
    Now off to explore your blog!

  25. Hey Brandi! Your bench looks sooo pretty!! I love it and I don't notice any imperfections! Thanks for stopping by!

  26. I think you did a great job Brandi!

  27. What?? I think it looks great! The stencil was a great idea. It really makes the bench pop!

  28. It's beautiful!! I don't know what you're talking about- I think your stenciling looks great!! What pretty bench.

  29. It looks awesome Brandi!! Kudos on the stenciling - that must have taken forever! It looks great!

  30. Love, love, love the bench! The color contrast is perfect. I really like the blue, what color is that exactly?

  31. I love the bench! I think the makeover looks great!! What a great find! Thanks for stopping by my site! You have a new follower! :)

  32. I think you did a fabulous job! Love the color and Emily's stencil.

  33. This really is gorgeous!


  34. I LOVE the arabesque stencil-- you've got me looking all over my house to see what I could stencil! Great job-- you will so enjoy this piece now. :)
    Visiting from SSS~
    Heidi @ Show Some Decor

  35. This is so pretty! Hope to see you at My Dream Canvas.

  36. that is fabulous! i haven't stenciled anything yet, but this is the pattern i love. great inspiration for me.

  37. Wow! That looks great! I love all of your projects - the wreath you just made is so pretty :)

    Thanks for your kind comment on my blog.

  38. Love this!! Beautiful stencil- I may have to try that. I'm your newest follower! Follow me back...

    "Keeping Up With the Joneses"

  39. I love this! And the fact that you made your own stencil is awesome! They are so expensive, but yours turned out just as amazing!
    Found you on TC Blogs!

  40. Too cute!! I think it's perfect!


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