Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Anemone Black & White

I enjoy shopping for flowers while in the grocery store.  But I always dreamed of having a cutting garden, where I could walk out to my yard and cut fresh flowers to bring into the house.  Growing your own feels so rewarding.  It's something I've always admired from afar.

A few seasons ago, I decided to get serious about gardening.  I put together a list of the flowers I wanted to grow, then shortened that list to the flowers that grew best in my area; zone 7b.  My favorite black-eyed beauty anemones were at the top of that list.

I ordered bulbs in the fall, thinking I'd plant them around my mailbox, where I'd be sure to see them as I pulled into the driveway.  Each year since, they've put on a show.  I was completely surprised they bloomed the first year I planted them.  Their satin-like petals and long stems are truly my favorite.  They're the first flower to bloom in my yard, as early as February.     

I ordered my bulbs from Floret Flower Farm and found the tips shared on the planting guide to be very helpful.
This season I added a few more varieties and I'm anxious to see them blossom.  

Anemones are simply stunning and easy to grow.  I hope this post inspires you to grow your own!


  1. Those are gorgeous. I am in 7b also. I am going to have to find some of those.

    1. Thank you so much, Anne! I hope you give them a try. I ordered my bulbs from Floret Flower.

  2. Those are gorgeous. Do they have a fragrance ?

    1. Thank you so much for your comment! No, I've never noticed a smell.

  3. Well those are quite the lovely ones..I haven't planted those but I'd be willing to give them a try..

    1. Thank you so much, Jamala! They're my favorite flower. I hope you give them a try in your garden too.

  4. They're so pretty Brandi, congrats on growing those beauties successfully.


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