Monday, May 11, 2015

DIY Done Right/Customized Wood Planter Box

Hello Friends!  Interested in learning more about gardening and how to build your own planter box?  I shared a project on DIY Done Right.  Click here to see the results!


  1. Beautiful box Brandi! I would like to build a few of those to put in some awkward areas of my yard where nothing planted in the ground really works.

  2. That is beautiful---I would love one for my herbs!

  3. Thanks for the tutorial, Brandi. Your planter box looks fabulous and it certainly gave me some ideas. Happy Mother's Day to you... :)

  4. Dear Brandi, What a wonderful planter. I am trying again this year with my garden. Last year my daughter and I tried; though only two tomatoes were born from it!
    We are determined to try again this year.
    Wishing you the very best. It looks like your garden is off to a good start. xo Catherine

  5. Thanks so much for sharing the DIY; I hope you had a great Mother's Day Celebration. Have a blessed week.

  6. Oh Brandi, my husband just built his planter box for his garden. He has rows and rows of garden space for his veggies. I bet you can't wait to see that first red ripe tomato. I know I can't. Your planter box is very nice.

    Have a splendid week.


  7. Great job with your planter Brandi! I have a couple of herbs planted in a flower pot in my backyard...basil, rosemary, chives for starters. I have to take baby steps but would love to plant more ;)

  8. WOW…amazing. Can't wait to see your produce!

  9. Great project Brandi, I wish I was good with tools, I would build a few of these.

  10. Great job! If you want it done right call . . . Brandi :) Sturdy and beautiful.

  11. Love your planter box!! Fresh veggies are the best too! Blessings my friend :)


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