
Thursday, September 8, 2016

Think TaZa: Drama-Free Drinkware

I have broken many glasses while unloading the dishwasher.  Just recently, I tipped a wine glass over and the stem broke.  I'll admit I can be a little clumsy, but I barely tapped it!  Glass is delicate and easy to break.

So you can imagine my excitement when I was contacted by TaZa Design and asked to review their unbreakable drinkware and bottle opener.

 When I opened the box they felt sturdy and looked like glass.  They wash great in the dishwasher; no chips or chance of breaking.
 The Pop the Top Automatic Bottle Opener is simple and actually fun to use!

 As you push down the grip pulls the bottle cap off the bottle.  You'll hear it "pop" while using little pressure.

 The glasses can be used daily or look elegant enough for wine and dinner with friends.

 They're great for drinks.  I used them this week while we sipped on a late summer sangria.

 The recipe was delicious!  A nice glass makes the wine taste better.

*This post was made possible through a partnership with TaZa Design.  All opinions expressed and experiences are my own words.


  1. I went to stemless wine glasses several years ago. It see media every time one barly was tipped over the stem broke. I've never used this brand but will be looking into them.

  2. They are beautiful and really do look like glass. Such yummy goodness in them too...Lol. Beautiful table setting.


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