
Sunday, February 28, 2016


Hello friends!  It's been awhile since my last blog post.  There really isn't a good reason why I haven't blogged much.  Just been busy doing other things, I guess.  I hope to do better!  Here's a mini roundup of what I've been up to...
We had so much fun celebrating Valentine's Day this year.

No big bucks on fancy restaurant dinners.  

We enjoyed quiet evenings at home preparing our favorite snacks and beverages.

Silky-smooth hot chocolate, with heart-shaped marshmallows

Frozen hot chocolate, topped with whipped cream and sprinkles

Browned butter in a cherry-vanilla milkshake?  Yes please!  I tried it for the first time last summer.  Bobby Flay introduced me to the idea.  Can't wait to try this recipe next.

 If you want to make your loved ones feel extra special, serving them breakfast in bed is always a good idea.

I treated my husband to simple heart-shaped pancakes topped with fresh fruit and whipped topping.  Such a sweet way to start the day!

Who else is ready for spring?  Only a few more weeks to go.  I'm excited for trips to our farmer's market for fresh herbs, produce and beautiful flowers.

I'm ready to fill my home with plants and trips to Home Depot for flowers this spring.

I love dressing up the deck with container gardens.  I love the variety and they stay healthy all summer long.

Last year we said goodbye to our dog, Princess.  After 10 years, it was heartbreaking and sad.
Sasha and Bella have always got along so well. 

 Thankful for quiet moments.

They're truly well behaved and comfortable with everyone.
My kids are growing up(insert sad face).  As they grow more independent it makes me want to cry.
Caleb's 14 and will start high school in August.

Jade's 19 and started her first year of college.

I spend my quiet time reading, doing housework and enjoying breakfast alone.

Taking time to enjoy a cup of coffee is such a simple pleasure.

I still use my cheap, drip coffee maker.  Maybe one day I'll invest in a Keurig?  One day...

Lastly, I love trying new recipes.  We eat a lot of pizza and enjoy making our own.  My husband found a great, no dough-low carb crust recipe.  It was delicious and really satisfied our craving.  You can find the video recipe here, if you'd like to try it too.

Thank you for sticking around, friends.  I'll be back in few with our garage bedroom update!


  1. So happy to see your post!! I have been looking forward to this and all this time I was waiting, I knew you were cooking up fantastic post. And my hunch was correct:)

  2. Hello My Dear Friend!
    This post is happy with great moments!
    That cherry-vanilla milkshake wow.... I would like some to me!

  3. I have the's nice especially for a quick cup of sweet tea without me making an entire pitcher. I am thinking about getting a dog but I don't know if I have the patience to upkeep with one so I will pass for now maybe I will get one when the kids get older.

  4. So sorry to hear about your dog Princess. It is always so sad when we lose a precious pet. I always enjoy your posts...welcome back.

  5. Hi Brandi! So good to get an update in beautiful pictures. Your kids are gorgeous and they look just like you. It is a little hard as they are becoming more independent but good too. When you know you've done your job well and they are going out into the world as capable people...that's great! Just enjoy the moments.

    I'm thinking you should do some photography posts. ;)

  6. Brandi, I always love catching up with you. You place looks lovely and I can totally relate to your insert sad face comment. I'm right there with you! Now I am off to check out that book on your table. I could use a quick read!

  7. Hi Brandi, so much fun to catch up with you this morning. Looks like lots of fun and beauty going on at your home. Your kids are beautiful and growing up so fast like you say. I have been there and so understand. Your sweet pups are so cute sharing the large rawhide.
    Thanks for sharing the pizza link. It looks so good. Love all your photos. Have a special day sweet friend. xo

  8. Such a great round up Brandi! You know I love your home and your amazing talent. Brown butter smoothies? Will definitely have to try, you turned me on to the brown butter thing a few years ago, I'm obsessed. So many beautiful images!!!

  9. This was a hard post for me to read today. For Lent instead of giving up sweets I decided to do Whole 30 for the 40 days. I am salivating looking at all the deliciousness! In a little under a month I am going to be trying some of these!

  10. Hi sweet friend! its good to catch up with you. This is a fun, sweet and beautifully photographed post. It's always a pleasure visiting you.

  11. The images alone were so comforting Brandi. I loved your roundup and the pictures. I hope to see you soon friend!

  12. Brandi wow is your family lucky that you love all over them with these treats!!!! Heart shaped pancakes, frozen hot chocolate??? My kids want to move in with you :) Glad you are enjoying life. Your kids are beautiful. My youngest is going to high school in the fall too. Still trying to figure out how he is old enough to be doing that!

  13. Hi Brandi! So glad to see your post... just so welcoming as ever!


  14. Such wonderful treats! I love those cute, pink, heart marshmallows! Your heart-shaped pancakes with fruit look so wonderful. I'm sure your family was excited!

  15. Hi Brandi - lovely to recap all that you have been up to. Such lovely inspirational photos and beautiful ideas. The best photos are your dear children. I know - it is hard to watch them grow up, but the best is yet to come........x Karen

  16. Heeeyyy...I've been wondering where you'd gotten to...Love the pics of the kiddos, who are growing up in a blink, I'm sure it seems. Sounds like your 2016 is off to a great start. The doggies look so lovable, too!

  17. I love these kinds of posts! And, wow, your kids are so good looking! Your son looks like a grown man already! Lol
    Happy to see you back in blog land. Great photos!

  18. Such a great round-up Brandi! Love your photos and have I told you your home looks so welcoming. Can't wait to see the garage bedroom.

  19. Such a great round-up Brandi! Love your photos and have I told you your home looks so welcoming. Can't wait to see the garage bedroom.

  20. Hi Brandi! Miss your post! and you photos are beautiful, per usual! Yay for Jade starting college!

  21. These are good enough reasons to take a break from blogging. These photos are amazing (and the food looks divine). Enjoy life as always. :)

  22. So sorry for the loss of your furbaby..hugs. We're dog lovers as well.
    Your children are beautiful! They grow up too fast! My baby boy will be 20 this summer and I can't believe it!
    All your photos are lovely!

  23. This warmed my heart Brandi ! So many beautiful moments you've had friend ! xoxo

  24. Hi Brandi,
    I'm thrilled to see you back! I've been here a couple of times but now I know what you've been up to. Spectacular pictures filled with love and goodness it sure doesn't get better than that!

    Your children are beau..ti..ful!!! They grow up so fast Brandi. Enjoy each and every single moment:)

    I'm sorry to here about Princess...It's always difficult when a pet leaves us.

    I had to laugh to myself when you said you still use a drip coffee pot. Would you believe I still use a percolator!!! I do have a Keurig that was a gift but for the life of me I just can't get into using it. I LOVE the smell of freshing perked coffee. Marion uses it for tea and sometimes oatmeal, lol...I feel it's safer for her in the long run. I mean after all, she will be 96 years young this month:)

    Thank you so much for sharing all of these lovely pictures with us Brandi. I'm looking forward to spending Spring with you, virtually of course:)

  25. Oh Brandi so many wonderful moments you shared here! You have such an eye for taking beautiful photos. Also I'm sorry to hear about Princess, that's sad.

    I can't wait to see the garage room!

  26. I am catching up on blog reading. Loved seeing all your beautiful images. Isn't it amazing how quickly the kiddos grow up?!!!


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