
Sunday, July 31, 2016

A Trip to The Farmers Market

Although I grew up in New Jersey and most of my family still lives there, I love living in Atlanta.  The cost of living is cheaper and there's always something to do!  It truly feels like home.

There's nothing I love more than shopping at the farmers market.  Friendly vendors and locally-sourced fruits and vegetables are just a few of my favorite reasons to support them.

The weather was beautiful Saturday morning, so my husband and I decided to go shopping.  The Atlanta Farmers Market is huge.

 It's just 5 miles from the airport.  I enjoyed watching the planes flying low as they zoomed by.

 Need to buy some dried herbs and spices?

 Where do you usually buy your fruits and vegetables?

The nursery had a great selection of outdoor plants...
and planters in all colors, shapes and sizes.

I was so happy to find a rubber tree for only $15.  My husband had a rubber tree growing up.  He has fond memories of his mom wiping the leaves down to keep them beautiful and shiny.  I hope I can keep it alive.

Kicking myself for not buying an anise tree(illicium parviflorum).  The leaves are so beautiful.

Last stop was the floral department to browse the beautiful arrangements.

Stop and smell the roses!!

Flowers were available in nearly every color of the rainbow.

Glad we made the decision to go.  I'm excited to go back in the fall when the potted mums are available!

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Summer Snippets

Summer is just zooming past.  I can't believe it's almost August and my son will be starting high school.

Where did the years go?  We had orientation in June.  As I sat quietly listening to the school administrators speak, I couldn't help but reminisce about his toddler and preschool years.  Those feelings are normal, I guess.  I'm not ready to let go.  

My daughter is doing well in college.  She's always been self motivated.  She works hard to exceed in her classes.  She made dean's list in the spring and her summer classes are wrapping up.

Next month my husband and I will celebrate our 20th wedding anniversary.

That makes me feel so old!!  We've grown so much over the years.  This marriage thing isn't always easy, but he's my partner; always encouraging and supportive.  I love my husband so much!
Nice sunny days make me want to get outside and do yard work.

I don't mind getting my hands dirty.

I love being able to look out my window and see so many flowers grow.

I brake for plants!  Whenever I see something I like, I must stop and check it out.

My idea of fun is visiting different garden centers, walking around looking for inspiration.

I found these beautiful lavender pots at Trader Joe's.

I found this really cute wooden planter box at IKEA.  I filled it up with some shade-loving begonias.

We replaced our outdoor light fixtures.

The old back light had a wiring issue.  The new lights were cheap, but add such a fresh look to our home.

I painted my deck.  It was beginning to look bad.  The new color looks much lighter, but it's harder to maintain.  To keep it looking clean and nice, I hose it off or use the leaf blower daily.

I love the makeover.  I can't wait to share it with you very soon!

I love cooking with fresh herbs, so I decided to grow my own.

There's something really satisfying about clipping herbs from your garden, then cooking with them in your kitchen or garnishing a mixed drink!
I choose sage, basil, thyme, rosemary and lavender because they smell so good.

I love the smell of a natural simmering pot.  A medley of herbs from my garden, lemon, dried lavender and spent flower blooms make my house smell so good.

There's nothing like an ice cold drink on a hot summer day.  I love making sweet tea and lemonade to sip on.  But have you ever tried juicing pears and apples?  I like to enjoy a big glass on the porch.  It's the perfect way to end the day.

My brother came to visit us last week.  He went back home yesterday.  It was such a great visit.  Living far away from family is hard.  I don't get to see them often.  It makes me realize how much I'm missing.  But after a week of cooking and cleaning I'm ready for a long nap.  

That's it for now!  So nice to be able to catch up with you!  I hope you're having a fabulous summer and making memories with your family and friends.