Monday, April 15, 2013

Updated Sofa with Pillows

When my mom passed away I received many of her personal items including her sofa.  I was moving out of the state with very little furniture of my own, so my dad gifted it to me because he knew how much my mom would have wanted me to have it.  

Living room decorated for the holidays, circa 1995
My baby shower, circa 1996
My mom with my daughter.  I'm sure she's singing, You are my sunshine. 
My mom and me! 
I was 16 when she purchased the sofa.  I can still remember the day she had it delivered from John Wanamaker's.  If you knew my mom you knew how much she loved her sofa.  My siblings and I rarely sat on it!  It was more of a show piece and my dad jokingly referred to it as the "Cadillac".

I was nervous about having a light colored sofa when my kids were little.  Then the dogs came along and my anxiety intensified a bit!  But I promised myself the sofa wouldn't be off limits to my family.  We sit on the sofa, my children lie on it and mess the perfectly poofed pillows and for the longest time my smallest dog would nap there.

It's a comfortable sofa in great condition.  I've had it professionally cleaned a few times, luckily the cushions are removable for easy clean up.  But as the years go by it needed a little updating.  I considered having it reupholstered in a new timeless fabric, but the more I thought about it I knew I could breathe new life into it with simple updates.

Adding new accent pillows really brightened the sofa for a fresh new look.  I made the gray pillows, but purchased the others. 

I added a cozy throw blanket.  I swapped out the accessories on the coffee table for a less cluttered look.  I also purchased a new rug.  The larger rug compliments the space.  I don't know what I was thinking using such a smaller rug before. ;)

More pillows on the bench.  I love the Greek key pattern.  I considered making my own, then I found these babies for a steal at Lowe's.

It's amazing how different the sofa looks in the room just by updating the pillows and few other accessories.  I'm so glad I decided not to have it reupholstered. 


  1. Brandi what a lovely story about your mom! So sweet that your able to have a daily reminder of her love & her The sofa looks amazing and so well cared for hard to believe its more than a year old!

    Love how the sofa looks with your new pillows and throw!

  2. The sofa is just lovely with the beautiful pillows. The colors, design and textures are perfect. The photos are even more special! Sweet YOU at your baby shower and precious one of your mom holding your daughter :)

  3. What a sweet story. The sofa looks amazing, before and after. I love the addition off all the new pillows. And, so nice to have an heirloom to remember your mom.

  4. Looks FAB! I think I gave this same sofa or one very similar with same fabric type to MY Daughter about 3 years ago. It is a very comfortable sofa and actually cleans up well! You have made your mother proud I'm sure!

  5. Such a beautiful story! Your sofa still looks fabulous, and such a precious memory of your mom. Your pillows are I spy Target tablecloth fabric for the gray ones? I just used that fabric to make curtains. Thanks for sharing this great post...made me smile!!! Jane

  6. Brandi what a beautiful story! I LOVE the new pillows...beautiful shots!
    Looks like a brand new sofa!

  7. I love the story about your mom and the sofa and I'm so happy you have it now! I also love your photos, they're so sweet. All the pillows you made for the special sofa are all so pretty. I'm so happy to be here pretty girl. Big hugs,

  8. Brandi what a lovely story about your mom and her sofa. I loved looking at the photos of your mom holding your daughter and you and her together, such wonderful memories. The pillows look great and the sofa is so well kept.

  9. Brandi, your new pillows look so beautiful on your sofa. I know how much it means to you to have something your mom cherished.

  10. Oh Brandi... Luv the story and that you haev pics of you and your baby girl... The sprucing up looks great....

  11. That's so special that you have your mom's sofa in your home. And it's beautiful with the new pillows! What a great look!

  12. Your sofa has a wonderful history, is a treasure!!!!
    Hugs Vicky

  13. Now I'm the one crying! Oh Brandi this was such a great story that lead up to a great update on the sofa. Thanks for sharing and I totally love all of the pillows:-)

  14. This is why I love it over here. I have a chair that my mom had since I was born that I had redone those memories are so special and will stay with us for days to come. I am waiting for you to start your decorating business.....

  15. Brandi, I really like the pillows. I especially like how you picked up the wall color in some of your pillows as well. Pretty Clever! Have a super fantastic week! I almost forgot I like the color on the wall too.

  16. Wow that looks amazing. The pillows you've chosen along with the throw really updated the sofa. Good job! Love the wall paint color too.

  17. Sweet sweet story. The I,at print and color are my faves!

  18. I agree, you have a wonderful memory of your mom so I'm glad you didn't change it in any way:) Love the pillows you made and also the ones you bought too!

  19. Oh too fun. Love it Brandi. I too am in the moment of hoping to update our sofa, knowing we can't afford a major change or a new sofa altogether. I am inspired!

  20. What a great sofa! What a great story! I love seeing all of the pictures of family sitting on it! And it looks BEAUTIFUL! I'm glad you use it! Fun to take care of it, but I really like that you are adding to the memories associated with the sofa! A perfect treasure!

  21. What an amazing piece to have in your home! Love that you have so many great pictures throughout time on this sofa. This is exactly what a home should be. Collected with things that mean the world to us. So lovely.

  22. What an amazing piece to have in your home! Love that you have so many great pictures throughout time on this sofa. This is exactly what a home should be. Collected with things that mean the world to us. So lovely.

  23. It looks beautiful Brandi! Your mother had wonderful taste :) thank you for your kind words on my blog earlier, it means so much and lifts my spirits. Take care!

  24. I love the pillows! It really does look like a brand new piece of furniture:) It seems like the perfect spot to relax and read. So comfortable and inviting.

  25. You have quite the eye for decorating and did a marvelous job updating the sofa! I loved hearing the story behind it complete with photos... lucky you to have such a memorable piece of furniture! And I used to freelance at Better Homes and Gardens when we lived in Des Moines.. what an experience! My aunt once wrote an article for them. I went to their archives and made a copy of it. Like you, I love family history!!! I loved the family connection to the company!

  26. I love the new updated look and so glad you didn't reupholster the sofa!!

    ~ Darlene @

  27. Looooove the pillows!!! And the story... Wow. Just awesome. The new pillows look great Brandi!

  28. The sofa still looks great! I love the addition of the pillows. So many pretty pictures. Thanks for sharing memories of your beautiful mother. My mother has had the same sofa and chairs in the living room since I was born and we only open Christmas presents in there. No one ever sits in there. We were suppose to receive dates in there as teens but that happened like 10 times maybe. So many similarities in the sofa story!

  29. How special!! I'm glad you kept it "as is" too. So many memories :)

  30. Wow-all your changes really did give the sofa 'new life'-it looks gorgeous! And so special that it was your mom's! :)

  31. Gorgeous Brandi! What a great way to keep and improve on furniture that has so much history. Great job!

  32. You have found a way to honor your Mother's memory and make a piece of furniture that was very dear to her (Cadillac....I love that!) looking fresh and up to date. Throw pillows - and you picked some really good ones - are such a great design tool! The area looks fresh and totally 2013!

  33. Brandi,
    The sofa, before the makeover and after the makeover, is simply beautiful. The most beautiful part is in the sharing of the memories of your mom. Much love to you and yours! ~Cynthia

  34. it doesn't even look like the same sofa! what a special piece.

  35. What a sweet story about your sofa, Brandi. My Mom also loved her sofa, which my sister inherited. I love the precious photos. And I really love what you have done! Your room is gorgeous. I love the new pillows, the fabrics, the wall color, the dark wood, the rug. Everything is beautiful and looks like a page right out of Better Homes and Gardens. xoxo

  36. Dear Brandi, how are you?

    How beautiful is your living room, the sofa is very good and it seems to be comfortable. The family photos are so cheerful. Thanks for sharing!


  37. Hi Brandi! Oh, your sofa looks so beautiful and I love your pillows. Those snaps of your family are just darling!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia :)

  38. Beautiful update for the 'Cadillac' ;) I enjoyed your trip down memory lane. Sweet blog post.

  39. It's so wonderful to have a piece of furniture that has so many great memories and stories. The new pillows look great and I love the mix of patterns!

  40. I love seeing a piece of furniture used for many years and loved, this is a fabulous sofa, and your new pillows are wonderful. They definitely update it and give it so much interest with the patterns and colors. Great job. I would love for you to link this to my Inspire Me Tuesday party going on now. Hugs, Marty

  41. Hi Brandi! I wanted to thank you for popping in to see my home tour at Cindy's blog!
    Continue being a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  42. What a beautiful and sturdy sofa. It's also a great tribute to your mom. It's amazing the difference a few changes can make. You're talent is inspiring.

  43. You did a beautiful job updating it with sofas Brandi! I love the colours you chose and it looks like a beautiful magazine cover! You rocked it girl! Angie xo

  44. I wonder if your momma knew just what a wonderful life this sofa would have. I love your story behind it. And you've done a beautiful job keeping it "current." I love those pillows and your livingroom is very nice.

  45. Love this post with all your family photos Brandi!

    Your mother chose a classic, timeless style (in off white) that will stand the test of time. In the 90's florals were the rage and you can't make them look updated with pillows! Believe me! As a Home Stager I see a lot of these and I've tried! Lol

  46. Your pillows are beautiful and look perfect on your special sofa. I love the throw blanket too - great colour choices.
    Krista @thehappyhousie

  47. Brandi, I really loved seeing the pictures of your loved ones and different phases of your life, all with the sofa. You would never know it wasn't brand new. And you did such a good job updating it with pillows. It's a nice space to be in. I'm sure it's made all the more special with so many wonderful memories attached to it. :)


  48. I love the new pillows, they are amazing and they do bring new life to such a beautiful sofa. Your pictures of you and your mom are so precious. I would love for you to link this to my Inspire Me party that will be live this evening. Hugs, Marty

  49. What a lovely story, and what a wonderful keepsake to have of your Mother! I agree, keeping it as is and sprucing it up really was all it needed. It reminds me of the one my parents have. Those memories are always special.
    Debbie :)

  50. That's a beautiful sofa, and you've made it look very different with the pretty pillows. Your whole room is really nice!
    Hugs, Cindy

  51. Brandi, that was such a heartwarming story and i enjoyed seeing the pictures too! You've given new life to this special sofa with the pillows and throws! Love it! xx

  52. Love the pillows! Love an update that can work with some of the old favs!

  53. I loooovee the updates! You've got me thinking maybe I shouldn't give up on my couches so soon. We purchased them in 09 before we knew we would be parents and the microfiber has been through the water with Boom Boom but I've managed to be able to clean them. Maybe a couple of pillows will do the trick. Thanks for inspiring me:)

  54. Love the update. It looks great. We have a link party called Wednesdays Adorned From Above Blog Hop and would love to have you share this and any other posts with everyone. It runs from Tuesday night through midnight Sunday. Here is the link to the party.
    We hope to see you there.
    Debi and Charly @ Adorned From Above

  55. Fantastic update, and I could steal any (or all) of those pillows and use them in my house! They're beautiful! And you're telling me the Greek key ones came from Lowes? Shut. UP!

    I love the photos you shared with your mom - some great history and memories tied to that couch.

    Thanks for linking up to my April Project Party at Evolution of Style!

  56. Love the fabric choices! It is a great update! I a REALLY love what you said about letting your family in on the sofa, even if it may get a bit dirty! That is SO important in my opinion! I hate it when furniture trumps people's children!

  57. I love this sofa, Brandi! It looks just the same as one I have in my living room! It was love at first sight when I bought it like 10 years ago, it still looks good! I need to go and buy some new pillows!

  58. I'm loving the pillows :) I'm hosting a new linky party at

    I would love to have you!

  59. This is FABULOUS! The pillows brightened it up and made it look totally new! It looks so comfy and inviting! Saw you on VMG206! xo-Brook

  60. Hi Brandi!

    You've been Featured on the BeBetsy BRAG ABOUT IT Tuesday Party!! Grab a featured button here

    See the picture of your incredible make-over space along with the other featured links at look for the BRAG ABOUT IT No. 5 Party! We hope to see you again this week for another fun, fun party.

    Thanks so much and you did an awesome make-over. Sharon and Denise

  61. Your sofa looks so great with just this small update!

  62. Girl you are awesome! And I REALLY mean that!

  63. Such a heartwarming story:). I loved meeting you this nice to put a real face to all the blog your pillows they really do accent the sofa in a wonderful way! I have 2 dogs and they are on my sofa all the time so I keep a sheet on it!!

  64. Super cute and really looks updated! I also have the greek key pillow covers and got them at a steal at the store too!


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